The following day I was shown around Dunedin, visiting the main shopping mall, the new stadium and the all important Starters Bar (closest bar to the Stadium) Two of the girls social group were leaving for Australia soon so a section of the bar was booked for us that evening as a farewell partay! We also briefly visited Annabel to check out her and Brun's brand new puppy called Chuck, very cute and bouncy. Nuff said. Before alcohol consumption began a group of us got appropriately sandy leaping off dunes (I swear three days and several showers later I'm still finding sand in my hair!!) and enjoyed a (very cheap) game of mini golf. After carting all my gear round to Sarah's (my next assigned couch position) we hit Starters Bar with the whole group (Anna, Annabel and Sarah- just so none of you can complain you weren't mentioned..) and had a lovely evening of socialising!
On a side note I was given two first-hand accounts suggesting Anna is "The best host ever". Awaiting further evidence before making final judgement. ;)