Sunday, 27 February 2011

21st Birthday Party and a Car Crash! Never a Dull Moment in Roxburgh!

Saturday night was SO random. Played some poker (with monopoly money) and other card games with some of the new guys here, great fun. Then at like 11pm went to bed and TRIED to sleep. The pub was playing music sooo loudly, so in the end I gave up... if you can't beat them, join them! So I did. Went round there, tried to get myself an orange juice (I did have work in the morning after all) only to have one of the locals insist on buying me a beer. Anyway I accepted and next thing I know a jug, yes a JUG of beer was placed infront of me. People don't seem to order pints here, they're far more hardcore drinkers than that apparently! There was a 21st birthday party going on in a sectioned off area, but within half an hour I was dragged in there by Sarah and Anna who knew the host.
The Damage Done..
Had great fun, danced a bit, ate some free food, drank some free beer (yes FREE.. they had kegs full.) They seem to love their country music here, which is... interesting. Especially when the dance floor is so wet it's like an ice rink and they're all off their faces! Especially Anna. Yes you Anna. Eventually ended up in bed by about 3:30am facing a 7am start for work... greeeeat!

Where the cars ended up..
Work was hectic. A very busy day having us constantly on the go, with Roweena cracking her whip listing out endless tasks that confused my poor tired mind. And then, as I was preparing to bag up some corn cobs suddenly there was a massive sound of grinding metal and smashing glass. Basically there was a pretty serious car collision where someone had tried to turn to visit our store and the car behind had tried to overtake at the same time. The overtaking car was sent spinning into our car park smashing into Sarah's car. (She was NOT happy) So then me and Monique found ourselves sweeping up glass from the middle of the road, and gave the little girl who had been in this car a free ice cream to cheer her up, because she really was shaking like a leaf!

So yeh... life's full of suprises!

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