Friday, 15 July 2011

Goodbye New Zealand!!

Mr Nom Nom Has Style!
I didn't have long in Auckland before leaving New Zealand, but I made the most of it! After a lovely evening drinking wine and eating chocolate with Maia I spent the next day tracking down a bottle of wine for our evil prank on my father involving making him believe we had drank his wine. Which we kind of did, but we did get another bottle (the last one in the whole of Auckland! He had better be grateful!) I also had the chance to catch up with Jillian who took me out for some wine which quickly turned into a massive meal both of us were quite unprepared for! She showed me Auckland at night from the yaught harbour and introduced me to the maker of not a bad evening!
Getting a taste for Auckland Cuisine
My final day in Auckland was one of catching up on blog posts and general lounging around before briefly saying hi to a very knackered Rhiannon returning from some law conference in Australia and making my way to the airport for my flight. You can say many things about Kiwi's, but they are not subtle or indeed tactful it would seem. At the entrance to make your way through security you are confronted with a massive sign saying "This Is It Folks, Time For Final Goodbyes!". Quite frankly that just depressed me.
Me and (most of) The Freeman's (My lovely Auckland hosts!)
So, as the airport so aptly and cruelly put it, this is it. Goodbye New Zealand! The place where I made the transition between dependence and independence, between youth and adult. Oh sure the transition isn't over yet, but I've come a hell of a long way without it really feeling like I've changed at all. I guess I just understand myself and my limits a lot better now. I'm really gonna miss this country, it's amazing and I'd reccommend a visit to everyone, particularly if you're looking for a good place to do first-timer long term travel. I've met so many inspiring people on my journey, I'll remember them all and I look forward to seeing them again in future. So to all the people I've met, bye for now, thankyou for the influence you've had on the greatest adventure of my life (so far!) and make sure you stay in touch. Peace out!
The End of New Zealand

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